As you now know, a VSD compressor excels when the air demand of an operation fluctuates, as it does in the vast majority of applications that use compressed air.
demand varies by shift, on weekends or seasonally.
manufacturing processes require tight operating pressure tolerances.
Traditionally, VSD compressors were not the best choice for continuous operation at full speed. In that case, switching losses of the inverter result in lower energy efficiency at full speed, which means a VSD model would be less efficient than an otherwise identical fixed-speed compressor. On the other hand, while this is true for first-generation VSD compressors, more recent models have become more efficient than fixed-speed models, even at maximum speed.
If you are unsure whether a VSD compressor makes sense for you, just commission a professional air audit. That is the best way to identify the most appropriate compressor and controls for your specific application.
Simply contact Atlas Copco and talk to us about your needs and applications!
Because refrigerant dryers have their own small compressor, you can now also take advantage of the variable speed drive technology when drying air.
In fact, by significantly reducing both the active and inactive energy consumption, these dryers are the most efficient on the market – far surpassing thermal mass dryers.
In addition, as opposed to thermal mass dryers, a VSD dryer offers dew point stability.
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