Check Your Piping
As stated above, one way to prevent leaks is to install a quality piping system. But getting your piping right also has many other benefits that can help save you energy. The job of your piping is to get the compressed air from the compressor to the points of use. In order to be as energy efficient as possible, this should happen with a minimal loss of pressure while avoiding leaks.
You might ask yourself why you can’t just increase your air pressure.
Well, you could. However, with every bar the pressure goes up, you spend 7% more in energy costs. Therefore, a much more efficient solution is to minimize the pressure drop.
There are different ways to do this.
The first is about the design of the piping system. You want to keep the total length of it as short as feasible, which will reduce air pressure losses. And, by isolating piping you don’t currently use, you can reduce leaks.
Avoid elbows and tees as much as possible and use large radius bends instead. In addition, you should also eliminate quick couplings whenever possible.
Ideally, you want to use a loop-type distribution system. That will ensure that the air can flow in any direction, which will allow it to get to the point of use more quickly. If that is not possible for some reason, minimize changes in the direction of the airflow.
The material of your pipes is only somewhat related to your energy efficiency. However, it is worth considering for other reasons as well. One of them is the reliability of your piping network. Some materials are more durable than others, and some are better for certain conditions but not so good for others.
In addition, there is a difference in price to consider.
One issue that does affect energy efficiency is corrosion. When a metal pipe corrodes, the roughness on the inside of the pipes increases, which then requires a higher air pressure. In addition, it can lead to small particles coming loose and contaminating the air.
Next up is the sizing of your pipes. There is a tendency to pick piping with smaller diameters to reduce the investment cost. However, that can lead to a larger pressure drop and, ultimately, you lose money.
This is an area where you should definitely talk to an expert in order to make sure that you get it right.
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