Help Protect the Environment
So, yes, compressing air does require quite a bit of energy. However, thanks to new technologies as well as clever planning and diligence on your part, you can make sure that you minimize your energy consumption as much as possible.
Here's how CP can help you reduce your energy consumption.
Traditional fixed-speed models are always running at full speed, while this might not always be in line with your compressed air needs. Therefore, CP offers a cost-saving and more sustainable alternative: The CPVS.
If you are operating multiple compressors, consider our ECOntrol central controller. It makes your operation more sustainable by increasing its efficiency and reliability. ECOntrol can control up to 6 compressors and lower energy consumption by reducing long periods of unloaded operation.
The process of compressing air generates residual heat. Do not let it go to waste and take advantage of CP’s Energy box. Our new energy recovery technology allows you to reuse 80% of the thermal energy produced during compression.