Nitrogen is massively used in various industries ranging from pharmaceuticals, metal to food packaging and beyond.
Nitrogen is effectively everywhere. Manufacturers resort to ordering nitrogen, which is mostly stored in big, heavy gas cylinders based on its usage. Alternatively, they install a liquid nitrogen storage tank on the site and get it filled up periodically with purchased liquid nitrogen. These are some of the most opted techniques of obtaining nitrogen, but these methods are not always the most favorable option. Their distribution puts quite a load on the environment, the logistics on your site require time from your personnel, there's always a portion of gas that is wasted, and they come with certain workplace risks. Above all, the total cost over a couple of years can have a significant price tag. On-site generation remedies all these shortcomings. It can be achieved at a fraction of the cost incurred when sourcing it from a vendor and leaves a low environmental footprint.
Companies that need nitrogen on a daily basis, stand to gain a lot from on-site generation of this gas.
The benefits include:
1) Lowest total cost per unit of nitrogen produced - improved bottom line 2) No long-term and complex third-party supply contracts – stable and predictable costs
3) Zero gas and money wastage – cost of gas production proportional to usage 4) Absence of order processing for refills – lower admin/logistics costs 5) Total safety – no large amounts of gas stored on site 6) No storage and transportation cost – low environmental footprint
In summary, most companies can improve their nitrogen sourcing through self-producing this valuable gas.